James invited to present his work to the German Chemical Society (GDCh)

James Sinoimeri has been invited to present his research on hypoxia-inducing cryogels (HICs) representing the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS) as a formal guest of the Jungchemikerforum (Young Chemists Committee, JCF) of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society, GDCh).

The GDCh is the largest chemical society in continental Europe with members from both academia and industry. The GDCh supports chemistry in teaching, research, application, and promotes the greater understanding of chemistry in the public. For a full week in late March 2020, James will be joining 11 other distinguished student delegates and 3 senior chemists in Cologne, Germany to visit German academic and industrial research facilities, to disseminate research at the prestigious GDCh Spring Symposium, and to engage in a wide variety of social events with students from across Germany and around the world.

Congratulations, James!

More information can be found here.